*I am not my body image either. As a former collegiate runner, I never had to worry about my body image before. I was always confident in the body I trained hard to have. Now, however, my confidence in it has faded. Carrying my now 9 month old baby had its affect on my body...stretch marks, extra pounds, and a bit rounder around the middle. But I need to see it as a body I worked hard to receive too. Because nine months with a person growing inside of you is hard work enough. I AM NOT MY STRETCH MARKS.
*I am not my meds either. I will need to stay medicated the rest of my life. I have a seizure disorder. The meds control it for the most part. I don't have the grand mal seizures anymore, or shaking seizures as some people call them. The rare times I have a seizure I just kind of space out. I am there but not there. I can hear and understand. I just can't move or respond. My brain is working but my body isn't listening. It normally doesn't last long. And I almost always know when it's coming. So it doesn't have a huge impact on my everyday life. But every now and then I have misfires in my brain that make me confused or forget names or say counter when I mean chair or forget why I went to the kitchen or the last thing someone asked me to do. It's not a big deal but it is something I am sometimes ashamed of and frustrated by. But I am not my epilepsy.
What are your strengths and weaknesses and fears and insecurities that keep you from being you? Just be you.
On a lighter note...everything is really coming together now. Like really. It looks like I may have a studio starting in February and will be able to start getting ready for all of YOU! Not going to announce the location until papers are signed and keys are in hand but that may be happening very soon. God is good.
The end.
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