Wednesday, May 6, 2015

WIP (Work in Progress) Wednesday-Shea

Today is my son's second birthday!

My how time has flown!  

I must say this kid may be the coolest 2-year-old out there.  He is a blast.  Lately he is obsessed...and I mean OBSESSED...with all things sports and Mickey Mouse.  He loves watching baseball, basketball, and hockey.

His two favorite people are the goalie and the umpire.  In his own words he loves them "SO MUCH!" 
He knows the umpire says, "strike one, strike two, strike three, you're out, and SAFE!"  He goes around the house throwing balls, swinging bats, and sliding into imaginary bases.  
Hockey is a new obsession.  He likes to tell us that the goalie wears a helmet, gloves, and pads, and he carries a hockey stick. 
Until a few weeks ago, he could have cared less about cartoons.  But out of nowhere he is now crazy about Mickey Mouse, more specifically, the Road Rally episode.  For that reason, he will be having a Mickey-themed birthday party this Saturday.  I can't wait!  I happened to stumble upon a Mickey Mouse Road Rally cake at Publix.  The design has actually been retired but they said they had one kit left at the store.  I felt like I deserved a mom-of-the-year award when I found this cake.  

Shea is a super-sweet, super-entertaining, super-cuddly, super-fun kid....MOST OF THE TIME.  But let me tell you, he sure is a work in progress.  I am not one to claim my child is perfect.  Lately he has needed frequent reminders to have nice hands and a nice mouth with his friends.  This is code word for no hitting or biting. Bedtime is a fight almost every night. He likes to say no and will make a run for it any chance he gets. And sometimes he uses his dogs as baseball tees. But he is learning to be a person and we are learning to be parents. Life is good and we are blessed with our little work in progress.

On my sewing table (cough cough kitchen table) is one of two twin quilts. I am sewing on the back now. 

What is your work in progress?

Friday, May 1, 2015

Forget the theme Friday...Happy Anniversary

So I know I have this whole day-of-the-week theme going on, but we'll forget that for now.  You can see some of my latest finished products in the past few days' posts.  There are quite a few of them.  And my hope is that next Friday can be Finished Product Friday and I can show off a teddy bear quilt and 2 baby quilts.  That is my goal. 
For now I would like to make a public service announcement.  Shoutout to 2 of the best parents anyone could ask for.  Happy Anniversary Mom and Daddy! 

Being married for 22 years is no small task.  And you have done it with (MOSTLY) smiles on your faces and more PDA than I would have liked to have seen from time to time.   There were days your gushiness and looks and "inside jokes" that weren't so secret were a bit much. 

But now I am glad I was able to live/suffer through all of that to see what a love story looks like.  And I plan on "torturing" Shea and Patten the same way because I know one day they will thank us for it like I am thanking you now. 

Your story may not be the most traditional one...boy meets girl, boy marries girl, boy and girl have a boy or girl or 2 or three, and they all live happily ever after.  Yours had some bumps along the way but you got the 2 girls and the boy and the happily ever after.  And those bumps made me who I am today, and brought with them their own set of blessings.  Your not so picturebook story helped me find my story.  And my forever.  And my happily ever after. 

I just pray that 18 years from now, when Brian and I have been married 22 years, our boys can thank us for our love story, too. 

I love you both and wish you were not so far away. 

WIP (Work in Progress) Wednesday

So I know it is Friday...a new post for today is coming soon.  But I forgot to hit publish on this post.  It has just been sitting all DRAFT-like and unseen.  So here you go.  Pretend it is Wednesday.  :) 

I just received some fabric I ordered from Teddy Fabrics on Etsy.

I didn't realize until after I bought it that it was an international order.  Teddy Fabrics is located in Craigavon, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom.  But it was worth it.  The fabric is super cute.  And it made me feel special that the package said ROYAL MAIL on it.  It came through customs and everything.  Kinda cool.  My fabric was FLOWN overseas.  How awesome is that?  

I cut all of the squares for the quilt last night and will start sewing them together tonight or tomorrow.  The top will be the patchwork and the back will be the animal pattern.  I can't wait to see the finished product.

I just finished a newborn elephant crochet hat and diaper cover and the to-do list tonight includes making a second elephant set. 

 I tend to get more crocheting done than sewing lately because I can crochet after Shea goes to sleep.  The sewing machine is loud and I can't sew once he is in bed. 

Earlier this week he fell asleep in my lap.  I moved him to the other couch next to our dog and he wiggled around until he got comfortable.  Apparently this is the most comfortable position he could find.  It may not have been comfortable for Roscoe, but Shea sure slept well there.